

感谢您和智能汽车安全技术全国重点实验室(以下简称为“国重平台”) 签署锂电池数据集使用条款。如果您不同意其中任一条款,无需签署本协议。
3.1 获取数据集许可前,您确保遵守CC BY-NC-SA 4.0协议。如果此条款和CC BY-NC-SA 4.0协议有冲突,以本条款为优先来指导数据集使用。
3.2 在您同意只用于科研用途条件下,国重平台授予您此数据集的以下使用权,这种权利是可撤销、非专属、不可转让、免版税的:
3.2.1 下载、修改、编辑部分或全部数据;
3.2.2 如果您使用到了本数据集,请在您出版物的适当位置作引用。参考示例如下:
[1]. 智能汽车安全技术全国重点实验室(IVST),新能源汽车大规模锂离子电池数据集,2024-10-12,http://ivstskl.changan.com.cn/?p=2697
3.3 本条款优先于3.2条。如果您违反了以下约定,则不再拥有3.2条的使用权:
3.3.1 不得将此数据集用于任何商业用途;
3.3.2 不得在未经授权情况下向第三方散发或传播本数据集;
3.3.3 不得将本数据集或其派生作品或衍生产品用于任何商业用途,或用于提供外部服务;
3.3.4 在向外界发布您基于本数据集获取的成果或派生作品时,必须说明数据来源;
3.3.5 在向他人提供本数据集的派生作品时不得删除本协议,并应要求其遵守本协议;
3.3.6 不得删除数据集所有权通告;
3.3.7 不得向国重平台或其同等机构提起诉讼;
3.3.8 不得使用数据集对国重平台造成任何负面影响,损害国重平台利益。
4 免责申明
4.1 本数据集由国重平台提供,国重平台可以不对本数据集做任何解释、保证或承担责任;
4.2 国重平台不对以下事项承担责任,包括间接伤害、损害利益、损失末分配利益、损失期望收入和即使有过提前告知,但仍引起的典型的具有惩戒性,特殊或连续的损失。
5.1 本使用条款在您使用数据集的期间有效,同时国重平台一直持有终止本条款的权利。通过在国重平台页面发布通知,国重平台可以随时终止本条款;
5.2 如果您违反了本条款的任一条规定,则本条款自动失效;
5.3 3-5条在合同终止后仍然有效。

《Terms of Use for Lithium Battery Dataset》

Thank you for signing the terms of use for lithium battery dataset with the State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Technology (hereinafter referred to as "IVST"). If you do not agree to any of these terms, you do not need to sign this agreement.
After fully reading, understanding and accepting all the contents of this clause, if you are willing to sign an agreement with IVST, clicking agree on the webpage will be deemed to be your agreement to sign.
1. Contract parties
You (as the license) and IVST jointly sign the terms of use for lithium battery dataset.
2. Dataset content
The dataset here refers to the lithium battery dataset published by the IVST, hereinafter referred to as the "dataset", and the ownership of this dataset belongs to the IVST.
3. Dataset License
3.1 Before obtaining a dataset license, you must comply with the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. In the event of a conflict between this clause and the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, this clause shall take precedence to govern the use of datasets.
3.2 Under the condition that you agree to use this dataset only for scientific research purposes, IVST grants you the following rights to use this dataset, which is revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable and royalty-free:
3.2.1 Download, modify, edit part or all of the data;
3.2.2 If you used this dataset, please cite it in your publication. The reference example is as follows:
[1]. National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Technology (IVST), Large-Scale Lithium-Ion Battery Dataset for Real-World New Energy Vehicles, 2024-10-12, http://ivstskl.changan.com.cn/?p=2697
3.3 These terms take precedence over clause 3.2. If you violate the following agreements, you no longer have the right to use section 3.2:
3.3.1 You shall not use this dataset for any commercial purpose;
3.3.2 This dataset shall not be distributed or disseminated to third parties without authorization;
3.3.3 You shall not use this dataset or its derivative works for any commercial purpose, or for the provision of external services;
3.3.4 When publishing the results or derivative works based on this dataset, you must indicate the source of the data;
3.3.5 This agreement shall not be deleted when providing derivative works of this dataset to others, and shall require them to comply with this agreement;
3.3.6 Dataset ownership notices shall not be deleted;
3.3.7 Shall not file a lawsuit against the IVST or its equivalent;
3.3.8 The dataset shall not be used to cause any negative impact on the IVST or damage the interests of the IVST.
4 Disclaimer
4.1 This dataset is provided by the IVST, and the IVST not make any interpretation, guarantee or liability for this dataset;
4.2 The IVST shall not be liable for the following matters, including indirect damages, damages to interests, loss of distribution of benefits, loss of expected income, and typical exemplary, special or continuous losses caused even if it has been notified in advance.
5. Term and Termination
5.1These terms of use are valid for the period of your use of the dataset, and IVST always had the right to terminate these terms. The IVST can terminate these terms at any time by posting a notice on the IVST webpage;
5.2 If you breach any of the provisions of these terms, the terms will automatically invalid;
5.3 Clauses 3-5 shall survive the termination of the Contract.