

Large-Scale Lithium-Ion Battery Dataset for Real-World New Energy Vehicles

       (2)数据字段:包括终端时间(terminaltime)、电量(soc)、车速(speed)、累计行驶里程(totalodo meter)、充放电状态(chargestatus)、总电压(totalvoltage)、电流(totalcurrent)、最小单体电压(minvoltagebattery)、最大单体电压(maxvoltagebattery)、最小传感器温度(mintemperaturevalue)、最大传感器温度(maxtemperaturevalue)、单体电压列表(batteryvoltage)、传感器温度列表(probetemperatures)字段。
All data in this dataset are sourced from lithium-ion battery data of the real-word operating electric vehicles. The dataset can be used for lithium battery state-of-health estimation, remaining-useful-life prediction, fault diagnosis, etc. This dataset is for academic research purposes only. The following is the detailed information of this dataset:
(1) Source: Comes from fleet EVs (discontinued), totaling 300 EVs, with a mileage range of 0-500 thousands km and an operating cycle range of 0.5-4 years, covering all driving conditions such as vehicle charging, discharging, idle, etc.
(2) Fields: Includes terminal time (terminaltime), state-of-charge (soc), speed (speed), total mileage (totalodometer), charging/discharging status (chargestatus), total voltage (totalvoltage), total current (totalcurrent), minimum battery voltage (minvoltagebattery), maximum battery voltage (maxvoltagebattery), minimum temperature (mintemperaturevalue), maximum temperature (maxtemperaturevalue), battery voltage list (batteryvoltage), probe temperature list (probetemperatures).
(3) Statistics: Approximately 581GB (raw data), approximately 72GB (compressed), and 850 million frames in total under the sampling rate at 10 seconds.

       我们欢迎您在CC BY-NC-SA 4.0许可下分享此数据集。如果数据集有助于您的研究工作,请在您出版物的适当位置作引用。参考示例如下:
       [1]. 智能汽车安全技术全国重点实验室(IVST),新能源汽车大规模锂离子电池数据集,2024-10-12,http://ivstskl.changan.com.cn/?p=2697
The data is stored in CSV format. This page provides both the sample dataset (100MB) and the full dataset (72GB) download links.
We welcome you to share this dataset under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. If this dataset is helpful for your research, please cite it in your publication. The reference example is as follows:
       [1]. National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Technology (IVST), Large-Scale Lithium-Ion Battery Dataset for Real-World New Energy Vehicles, 2024-10-12, http://ivstskl.changan.com.cn/?p=2697

样例数据(Sample Dataset,100MB)

全量数据(Full Dataset of 300 Vehicles,72GB)


       三元锂离子电池(Ternary Lithium Battery)
全生命周期(Full Life Cycle)
健康状态估计(State of Health Estimation,SOH)
荷电量估计(State of Charge Estimation,SOC)

       智能汽车安全技术全国重点实验室(State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Vehicle Safety Technology (IVST))

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0(Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)